Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Bringing Out The Best In Our School

Posted: 14th December 2018

The past 15 weeks have simply flown by and we have arrived at the end of what has been a terrific Autumn term. This last week has been packed with festive fun and wonderful events such as the Christmas Fair last Friday, the Christmas Lunch on Monday and today’s Carol Services.

The final few days of term have certainly brought out the very best in our school. It was lovely in yesterday’s final assembly to see how proud and happy pupils were to be recognised for their special achievements. Some of the awards were given to pupils who have demonstrated outstanding levels of attainment such as the four Year 8 girls who were presented with their full dance colours.

In order to win those elite colours, pupils need to have, as well as an outstanding attitude, a certain amount of natural ability. However, many of our awards are truly achievable by all, such as our ‘Learner of the Term’ certificates for outstanding grades in Attitude to Learning. Our TPS Way challenges our pupils to be ambitious, to try their best and to be kind and respectful, and these are all things which are achievable every day by every one of our pupils. When they do these three things, they will be given the recognition which they deserve and we shall all be smiling!

There is insufficient space on this page to mention all of the many successes enjoyed by our pupils this term, but I cannot sign off without mentioning one or two of the highlights. In sport, there have been unbeaten teams, teams with the spirit of lions, England Pathway netballers, 19 qualifiers for National Biathlon Championships, and pupils swimming around Jersey. In Performing Arts, we have enjoyed Cafés, a trip to Venice, House Music, the Chapel concert, Monday assemblies, our drama clubs and ‘Hansel and Gretel’ (Year 4). We have also had Remembrance Week, all of the trips out of school, and the tremendous charitable giving to RAFT, Children in Need and other worthy causes. The boarders have had a superb term and the Year 8 Leaders have set a fine example to the rest of the Prep School.

None of these achievements would be possible without the fantastic support given by parents to our children and to the school. Thank you, and I wish you all all a very enjoyable festive holiday.

Mr Andrew Edwards
Headmaster TPS

Categories: Blog Preparatory