Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Celebrating All Things Musical

Posted: 25th January 2019

The month of January can sometimes feel flat after the festive season, but none of that is apparent here in the Nursery and Pre-Prep School. The children are all engaged in their new topics for the term and I would especially like to share and celebrate all things musical with you today. In Nursery and Pre-Prep, we are so lucky to have access to the wonderful Mrs Hornsby who never fails to put a smile on all of our faces.

Mrs Hornsby continues to link the children’s singing to the topics that they are covering in class. The children in Year 2 are exploring and listening to African music and rhythms and singing and drumming in their own African styles. Year 1 are exploring all things Dragons, Dinosaurs and Eggs and Reception are singing songs linking with their theme Splish, Splash, Splosh. Finally, Nursery 4 continue with their action and clapping songs, with movement and of course, all of the Pre-Prep are involved in Hymn practices for our Chapel service with the wonderful Mr Booth playing the piano and organ for our services.

Thank you Mrs Hornsby, Mr Baker and Mr Booth for all that you do so that we can enjoy beautiful music throughout our week here.

Finally, Chris Evans on his new breakfast show, this morning, talked very passionately about the power of storytelling. It therefore seems very appropriate to launch our ‘TPPS Rocket Jigsaw Reading Challenge’ today in our Celebration Assembly. From Monday, the children will be asked to complete a piece of the jigsaw puzzle, every time they read at home. Let’s see how quickly the children can complete their jigsaws. Have a good weekend.

Louise Leah

Categories: Blog Nursery Pre-Prep