Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Pre-Prep Take Over Performing Arts Cafe

Posted: 8th February 2019


After all the excitement of last week’s snow, Mrs Hornsby’s ‘Performing Arts Café’ event has been a very welcome addition to our week. Thirty two children should be congratulated on their performances. They had so carefully learnt their words, music, routines in preparation for the event and to stand and perform, in front of a packed out Centenary Hall, was a huge achievement for them all.

My thanks, of course go to our staff in the Pre-Prep for co-ordinating and assisting the children to get to their sessions and to the specialist staff here, who work with the children on a regular basis. Mr Riggs assisted with the sounds and lights and the children who see him for Speech and Drama were confident and well-rehearsed. We were also treated to performances on the Cello, Piano, Violin, Drums, Singing and Clarinet. Thank you to our visiting music teachers who support the children learning their instruments. Two coordinated Jazz Dance performances also made the audience smile; the children’s concentration was to be commended. We thank Miss Day for what she does with our collection of Jazz Dancers.

May I also remind parents of our forthcoming ballet performances. These will take place on Monday 11th February for Year 1 and Year 2 with Reception on Wednesday 13th February. Letters confirming the times have been sent home already.

I hope that all the Nursery 4 children are excited about their welly walk to Hestercombe Gardens on Monday morning.
Finally, I cannot sign off for the weekend without mentioning the fabulous Mrs Launchbury. On Sunday, Sarah will be watching Joe play in front of a crowd of over 80,000 at Twickenham – for his 55th England cap. What a proud Mummy!

Have a good weekend.

Louise Leah


Categories: Blog Nursery Pre-Prep