Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Hearts and Flowers

Posted: 15th February 2019

As we end our final week of this half-term, we have enjoyed all the hearts and flowers that have appeared around the Nursery and the Pre-Prep towards the end of this week.

We also enjoyed a visit from one of our very committed Governors; Hilary Quantock. Hilary very kindly gave up her morning to come and observe all that was taking place in both the Nursery and the Pre-Prep on Tuesday morning. Hilary was absolutely delighted by the welcome that she received from the children and she very much appreciated all that they had to share with her.

I would also like to thank all the Year One parents who supported Mr Hornsby’s interactive and entertaining Maths information evening on Tuesday. If you were unable to come along but would like a copy of the presentation, please contact the Pre-Prep office and we will be very happy to send you this.

For those of you heading off for a quick break- whether it be hot, cold or just recharging the batteries- enjoy a lovely week with your family.

Louise Leah

Categories: Blog Nursery Pre-Prep