Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Pirates of the Curry Bean

Posted: 15th February 2019


I find it very hard to believe that it has been six weeks since we came back for the start of the Spring term, and it is amazing how much the staff and pupils have packed into that short time.

Last night, I had the great pleasure of joining a packed audience for the Year 6 play ‘The Pirates of the Curry Bean’. The quality of acting, singing and dancing from the individual pupils was extremely high and it was often hard to believe that the accomplished performers on stage were still only 10 or 11 years old! They came together as a terrific team of actors and actresses, showing great collective ambition, hard work and commitment. It is amazing to think what they achieved in the space of just one week. The children have been superbly led by Mrs Hornsby, Mr Riggs, Miss Day, Mr Baker and the rest of Mrs Hornsby’s excellent team in the Performing Arts Department. Many other staff contributed to the fantastic show last night, as well as Mrs Cottrell, Mrs Trescothick and Mrs Leach, three parents who gave up so much of their time to make and organise costumes, and to do the children’s hair and a host of other things. A big thank you and very well done to all!

Yesterday, we started trialling a new way of allowing parents to see videos of school productions. Our fabulous in-house ICT professionals have made some exciting purchases and were able to film the Year 6 production using high quality audio-visual equipment. Once they have had a chance to do the editing, we are hoping to be able to send parents a link, enabling them to watch (free of charge) the whole performance on a PC, laptop, tablet, phone or Smart TV. One day in the future, we might even be able to stream our major productions live, which would be terrific for parents of boarders or other parents who are unable to attend such events. For the moment, however, let’s focus on one step at a time and I look forward to seeing the film from last night.

On the sports front, it was another very rewarding and enjoyable afternoon for all of our pupils last Wednesday. Of particular note was the achievement of the senior girls on the netball court. Having recently won 6 out 6 matches against Queen’s (A, B and C teams in both the U13 and U12 age groups), our girls accomplished another clean sweep, this time against King’s Hall. Very well done to all of the boys and girls who competed so well and for the continued terrific support from parents.

Finally, it was lovely seeing so many excited children (and staff!) ready to board the coach for Austria and I am looking forward to seeing Mr Coleman’s video updates from the Alps on our TPS Twitter feed. I wish all of you, wherever you will be next week, a restful and very enjoyable half term holiday.

Mr Andrew Edwards
Headmaster TPS


Categories: Blog Preparatory