Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Rise To Great Heights

Posted: 15th February 2019

Saturday was Open Day at TPS, which saw families touring around Thone with some of our current boarders to see what the house has to offer. Many parents were impressed by the range of boarding options that were available to them – full, weekly and flexi boarding with the latter available as regular or occasional flexi boarding. The children who visited were particularly excited to learn about the extensive range of activities and trips that the boarders take part in throughout the year. The recent renewal of the ‘Thone Life’ board in The Hub means there is always news ‘hot of the press’ from the school courier where children, families and visitors can read all about life in the house and see photographs of the time we have spent together throughout the year.

On Saturday afternoon, the children relished the opportunity to exercise their creativity. Perhaps inspired by a TPS assembly at the start of the week, the boarders made Chinese New Year decorations including lanterns and some very impressive dragon figure heads! Later in the afternoon, whilst some had some downtime, many chose to watch the Six Nations which is now in full swing – what a match! There was added drama mid-way through since, according to some sources, it was imperative we made it to supper and back in time for the second half! After England’s win, the celebrations continued with singing and cake for Muhammad’s birthday – these children really are growing up fast! Later on in the evening, Film Night saw the Year 8s making the most of Netflix and the fabulous space available to them in The Boarders’ Lounge.

After lie-ins and a leisurely pyjama breakfast in the house on Sunday morning, the fun began with Mr Rousell running a game of dodgeball whilst some diligently completed their preps. We then set off down the M5 to Clip ‘n Climb in Exeter. As you will see from the photographs, the children had a fantastic time and all took part in the climbing activities. These children are seriously competitive! The ‘Speed Wall’ saw them striving for the fastest time. Olivia H smashed it for the girls with a time of 15.30 seconds and only just missed out as overall champion to Vadim who clinched the win with an incredible time of 14.85 seconds! Other children set themselves challenges and this saw some overcoming their fear of heights due to their positive attitude and encouragement from others.

Thone also got up to ‘snow’ good towards the end of last week – as evidenced in the photographs! They certainly made the most of this exciting phenomenon in British weather which saw some of the South West come to a halt for a few days. For now at least, it is back to reality.

Lloyd Pettit
Assistant Houseparent


Categories: Blog Preparatory