Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Springtime Has Already Arrived

Posted: 15th February 2019

What a lovely start to the week in the Pre-Prep and the Nursery, with lots of spontaneous outdoor activities and learning taking place in the sunshine.

Year 2 have continued with their Africa topic this week, exploring how chocolate is made and where cocoa is grown in Africa. Year 1 enjoyed their fabulous Dinosaur workshop on Monday and through the week have all made clay model anthracites. These have then been very carefully produced, painted and described in their writing. Reception have been concentrating on the order of numbers in maths and have drawn some lovely teddy bear pictures and descriptions.

Nursery 4 have been talking about “where my wellies take me” discussing what special places they would like to visit and incorporating their art projects to support this. Springtime has already arrived in Nursery 3 where the children are learning all about how things grow, planting flowers and seeds, so that we can watch them over the forthcoming weeks.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Louise Leah

Categories: Blog Nursery Pre-Prep