Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Thone Visit Wookey Hole

Posted: 8th March 2019

On Saturday drama enthusiast Mr Harley and music maestro Mr Baker led the boarders in a Laurel and Hardy themed activity. Some of the children devised some excellent slapstick sketches with the help of Mr Harley, who showed them some classic and hilarious original Laurel and Hardy sketches to inspire them. The children composed some wonderful music to accompany the silent mime sketches, aided by Mr Baker. At the end of the creative process, the sketches were filmed and the music performed live. Some of the older children created their own electronic soundtrack using the music technology studio in school music department. A stimulating time was had by all. The boarders really engaged well with the process and worked sensibly with each other to produce some good quality music and drama.

Sunday saw us all head off to Wookey Hole caves for some ‘spooktacular fun’! Whilst some were a little nervous initially, everyone thoroughly enjoyed the tour of the caves and learning about the legend of the Wookey Hole Witch. The 4D cinema, circus, play area, penny arcades, mirror maze and of course, the ice cream parlour, made for a thoroughly enjoyable day. Whilst the weather didn’t allow us to play crazy golf, it certainly didn’t dampen the day or spirits. Another action packed and immensely enjoyable weekend in Thone.

Katherine Wells
Head of Boarding


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