Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Netball County Champions

Posted: 15th March 2019

It has been tremendous fun today to see all pupils in the Prep School enjoying themselves and raising money in aid of Comic Relief. Thank you to the staff and to the pupils of Cooper House (especially the Year 8 boys and girls) who have organised the day. It has been lovely to see the pupils in their red themed home clothes, participating in the games and activities, and generally entering into the spirit of the day in support of this very worthy charity.

You will have received an email from Lee Glaser this week advising that the new kitchen and dining room project has been given the green light by Governors. We are delighted with this news and know it will have a significant and positive impact on the whole school. Please may I remind you that there will be two identical presentations on Monday 18th March at 6.00pm in the Senior School Old Library and on Saturday 23rd March at 9.00am in the Senior School Theatre. I would urge you to attend if you can, and I am sure that you will be impressed with the exciting future being mapped out for our whole school. If you would like to attend, or find out more, please contact Miss Soraya Murtiza (soraya.murtiza@tauntonschool.co.uk).

The ability to invest in big developments comes from the fact that we are a thriving and popular school with good-sized classes generating good fee income. This is also allowing us to review smaller scale things with a view to making further improvements for parents and pupils. We have this week been able to announce that all of the dance clubs run by Miss Hartland-Mann from Pre-Prep to Senior School will be free of charge from the start of this Summer term, and we have been able to make available a film of the Year 6 play to all parents, again free of charge.

This week has seen over 100 of our pupils taking part in the Taunton Festival of Arts Drama week. Whilst we don’t know all the results yet, many congratulations to every boy and girl who has participated, and a special thank you to Mr Riggs and Miss Day for preparing the pupils so well for their performances. I thoroughly enjoyed this week’s Performing Arts Cafe and it was particularly nice to see pupils taking part for the very first time, visibly growing in confidence in front of our eyes! Thank you and well done to all of the performers.

In sport, many congratulations to our Year 8 netballers for being crowned County Champions (beating Millfield) and to our swimmers who gave their all in the IAPS Regional Time Trials. I know that Mrs Foad, Mr Winsor and Mr Davidson are hoping that we will have our largest ever team of qualifiers for the Nationals at the Olympic Aquatic Centre in London. Many congratulations also to everyone who represented the school this week in fixtures. Mr Winsor tells me that putting out 26 teams is a record and I am thrilled that so many of our pupils are having the opportunity to play regular inter-school sport. Finally, there are 21 TPS pupils going with our sports staff to London this weekend to take part in the British Biathlon Schools Championships. We have one of the largest and strongest teams in the country, and I wish them all the very best.

I hope that you all have a very enjoyable and restful weekend.

Mr Andrew Edwards
Headmaster TPS

Categories: Blog Preparatory