Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Awe and Wonder

Posted: 22nd March 2019

What a start to the week with our Year 2 Sharing assembly. We could almost hear the sounds of Africa as the children described and showcased what they had been learning over the last term. It was an absolute delight to hear the children talk with such animation and enthusiasm. Thank you to Mrs Cooper, Mrs Brodie and Mrs Hornsby.

We also had a treat on Tuesday with the very exciting ‘Explorer Dome’ experience. The children were encouraged to investigate and think about ‘what if?’ It was wonderful to see the children’s faces filled with ‘awe and wonder’ as we experienced combusting gases and chemical reactions. Thank you to Simon Williams for organising this for us all.

Nursery Four have enjoyed their visit to the ‘Wild Place’ in Bristol, this week. Highlights for the children were definitely the giraffes and the bus ride, with a lovely picnic coming a clear third. Thank you to all the Nursery Four team led by Laura Clear for all the extra work that goes into taking such young children out of school and to Ellie Skeen and Karen McGough for joining this adventure.

We look forward to all that is on offer in the last week of the spring term. We have the Reception children presenting their sharing assembly on Monday and the Year 2 Tag Rugby Festival – starting at 2.00pm on Tuesday at Blundell’s, which Year 2 parents are most welcome to attend.

Have a lovely weekend.

Louise Leah

Categories: Blog Nursery Pre-Prep