Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Boarding Life: A Boarder's View

Posted: 22nd March 2019

James Tyrrell joined TS as a boarder into Year 9 in September 2015. James, whose family live in Bath, is studying BTEC Business Studies alongside Drama A level. He is a keen sportsman and has been involved in numerous school productions. James was happy to give his view on life as a boarder in Wills East.

Dave Tarr
Head of Boarding

What do you enjoy most about boarding?

I enjoy the opportunities that boarding provides me with. There is always something going on in the house, whether that is watching football, playing pool, or having a game of FIFA. There is a very open and friendly atmosphere in the house. You can just walk into another person’s room and have a chat. Some of my friends would prefer me to knock on the door first though!

What do you find most challenging with boarding?

At first, not going home at the end of the day was hard to get used to, but the house is friendly and comfortable and the people are caring so you soon get used to it. In Years 9,10 and 11 you have to share a room, which is okay unless your room-mate is untidy! Boarding life has enabled me to learn new skills such as tolerance, independent studying and organisation. I am sure all these skills will prove invaluable when I leave TS.

What makes boarding worthwhile?

Meeting new people is fun and very rewarding! In Year 9, I shared with boys from completely different cultures who had different interests from me. This taught me more about the world and what life was like for them. It made me feel less homesick because my home wasn’t really that far away, compared to the other boys I live with. One thing that makes boarding more worthwhile for me is that I can go home on a weekend. Living relatively close to school allows me to be with my friends during the week, but go back home to see my family at the weekend.

What will you remember most about boarding in twenty years’ time?

The people. At first, I was unsure of attending a boarding school but once we had been given a tour and I had experienced a taster day/night at the school I was convinced that it would be a great experience. From the moment I joined, I was supported by the house, not just by people in my year but in the older years as well. I have learned valuable skills during my time in Wills East that I will remember for the rest of my life. The people in the house that I live with are all my friends. They are always supportive and ready for a chat, unless Man Utd or Arsenal are on TV.

What is your most entertaining moment to date?

My most entertaining moments to date are the house events that we do throughout the year. I most enjoy the house outing at the start of the year, house singing, house sport and social events such as tutor outings. The funniest things probably occur in the rec. room!

Categories: Blog Senior