Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Love, Learning, Laughter and Fun

Posted: 29th March 2019

What a way to end the Spring Term, with glorious sunshine and a fantastic start to the week with our Reception sharing assembly. It was an absolute pleasure to hear the children present so clearly and with such confidence. Some of the children even stepped in — very successfully, for their absent friends, at the last minute. The recital by all the children of the ‘Going on a Bear Hunt’ story was also incredible, as was the children’s singing and their French. Thank you to all of the Reception team for your work on this, including Madame Ashmore and Mrs Hornsby.

Our Year 2 Rugby Team also did incredibly well at this week’s festival at Blundell’s School. What a way to start your Rugby career, winning every match against the four teams taking part. Thank you to all the sports staff who made this such a positive experience for the children.

Finally, we have really enjoyed preparing our Mother’s Day surprises over the last week, working on our handwriting and our creativity. Thank you to all the Reception Mums for joining us for our Mother’s Day tea party this morning and thank you to everyone who was able to join us for our special ‘wake up shake up’ lead by the children this morning.
At the end of my second term here, I really do feel a sense of what a special place our Nursery and Pre-Prep is. We are all so lucky that our days are filled with love, learning, laughter and fun.

Wishing you all a lovely Easter break, in whatever form that takes. Safe travels and happy adventures to those of you going further afield.

Louise Leah

Categories: Blog Nursery Pre-Prep