Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

'Wow' Moments

Posted: 2nd May 2019

I hope that you all enjoyed the lovely sunny Easter weekend, without too many melted eggs. I am sure that it seems like a distant memory now. It really has been very exciting to hear the children’s news and see them all returning in their summer uniforms, ready for all that is on offer in this exciting, event packed term.

It has also been good to see the children starting their new topics and the ‘wow’ moments that the children have enjoyed, sparking their interest. Year 1 were filled with awe in our workshops at Taunton Museum and I am sure that they will all be taking their subsequent tasks very seriously.

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome the new families that have joined us in the Nursery, Year 1 and Year 2. It really is amazing how children adapt to change and settle so quickly.

Thank you to all the parents who joined us for coffee last Thursday morning in the Reception area. It is always good to be able to get to know our families better and hear about your news. A new development this term, is the ‘mobile coffee box’ – ‘Griffins on-the-Go.’ We look forward to this being parked outside the Pre-Prep on a Friday – during the summer term, for you to enjoy – during and after our ‘Wake up Shake up’ session.

Finally, our Estates Department have been busy decorating our Hall, Year 2 and the Playhouse outside Nursery 3 over the Easter holidays. We hope that you enjoy the improvements.

Have a good weekend.

Louise Leah

Categories: Blog Nursery Pre-Prep