Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Little Apprentices and a Royal Baby

Posted: 9th May 2019

As we speed through this term the children were caught by the hail and the heavy downpours in the playground this week.

And in the week when we enjoyed the next instalment of Mr Glaser’s interview, along with our Year One children, who dressed up in their crowns and delivered the message about the new addition to the Royal family. I have smiled to see the children’s very imaginative and very carefully painted, ‘Royal Portraits’. What an appropriate time to have ‘Turrets and Tiaras’ as your topic… Mrs Lawson and Mrs Hebditch.

Thank you to all the families who joined us on Bank Holiday for our Open Morning – we had a very busy time with twenty families looking around the Nursery and Pre-Prep. Whether, it be looking at the next stage or visiting us for the first time, it was good to show a normal morning of Phonics and Literacy taking place, along with all the other usual Monday activities.

There are a few events to get us excited in the coming week:
Wednesday 15th May
‘From Wriggling to Writing Workshop’ in the Centenary Hall from 7pm to 8.30pm
Friday 17th May
Reception Trip to Knightshayes Court, Tiverton
Year 2 to 3 Transition Forest School
4-6pm PTA Summer Fair – the PTA are very kindly raising money from this event to replace our much loved and used bikes in the playground

Have a good weekend.

Louise Leah

Categories: Blog Nursery Pre-Prep