Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Using Music to Full Effect

Posted: 16th May 2019


We have had another action-packed week full of sport, music, trips and fun. The Summer Term is always such a busy and exciting phase of the school year. Alongside the fun, all of the boys and girls have had a very purposeful hard-working four weeks of academic work since the Easter Holidays. The pupils in Years 7 and 8 have been diligently revising for the exams which they have in all academic subjects next week, and pupils in the other year groups have assessments in core subjects. They will all be able to enjoy a well-earned rest over the half-term holiday.

The concert on Tuesday evening, showed so clearly the breadth of opportunity here at TPS, with excellent performances from 17 different instrumental ensembles and choirs impressing us all with their wonderful performances. Around 70% of the pupils in our school were involved in the concert and it was inspiring to see how popular all of the various groups are. We have a dedicated and committed team of professional musicians, led superbly by Mrs Hornsby, who all inspire our pupils to develop their musical skills and use them to full effect in these performing opportunities. Before leaving the chapel, we gave our public thanks to three veterans of TPS music concerts; Mr Manners, Mrs Harrington and Mr Riggs. All three will be leaving the school at the end of this term after making a fantastic contribution over many years. Congratulations to them, and to all of the teachers and pupils for their achievements both this week and throughout the year.

Wednesday saw a large number of fixtures and some lovely weather! All of our teams performed extremely well, with our pupils aiming high, trying their best and showing great sportsmanship. This week, a special mention goes to all of the boys’ teams for coming out very much on top against our arch cricketing rivals, King’s Hall, winning all but one of the eight matches which we played.

On Sunday, TPS will be sending one of the strongest teams in the country to the Biathle National Schools Championships. Good luck to all of the competitors and we are looking forward to hearing how they get on.

Finally, today sees the much anticipated Summer Fair take place. A very big thank you to the PTA – not only have they overseen all of the planning for the event, but we have had many parents in school this morning sorting out the cakes and drinks brought in, organising the tombola, and I know many of you will have been helping this afternoon. Thank you to all. I do hope that you and your children enjoy the Fair and I hope that you all have a very good weekend.

Mr Andrew Edwards
Headmaster TPS


Categories: Blog Preparatory