Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Budding Business Tycoons

Posted: 23rd May 2019

It has been terrific to see the concentration and effort from our pupils during this past week of exams and assessments. I believe that Mrs Seymour and the teachers have given the pupils an excellent preparation and we have been clearer in our expectations regarding the conduct of exams. By facing regular tests throughout their time in the Prep School, our pupils develop their revision skills, examination technique, endurance and resilience, all of which gradually build as they move up the school. This ensures that they are well prepared for the exams which they will face in the future. I am sure that they will all really enjoy a summer half term without the burden of revision.

Last Friday, I was most impressed by the creativity, independence and resourcefulness shown by the pupils in running their stalls at the TPS Summer Fair. One stall managed to make nearly £250 in just one hour, so we certainly have some budding business tycoons in the school! Many thanks to Mrs Donna King, stalwart of our PTA, for the tremendous work which she put into organising the event and ensuring that there were so many inviting stalls to enjoy. There were also many other parents who gave a big helping hand, together with the school staff (particularly Mr Coleman). Thank you to all for creating such a fabulous afternoon of fun.

Last Tuesday evening, a very successful transition meeting took place for parents of pupils joining the Prep School into Year 3 in September. It has been lovely that so many of our current Year 7 pupils have put themselves forward to be Junior Leaders for our Year 3 children in September. To have the oldest pupils spending time with, and looking out for, the youngest goes a long way to creating the wonderful family feel which is such an important part of the ethos of our school.

In terms of transition for our current Years 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, there is no need for a meeting for parents, but we will be sending out detailed letters to parents after half term which will provide all of the significant information relating to the next academic year. A little while after that, on Wednesday 26th June, we will announce the Form Tutors for next year and all pupils will spend time on that final Wednesday with their new Form Tutors. Pupils in current Years 3, 5 and 7 will move up in the same Form Tutor groups as they are in at the moment. We will announce new Form Tutor groups for the current Years 4 and 6 on Wednesday 25th June.

Finally, as I write this, I am very much looking forward to my second TPS Sports Day. The friendly rivalry and healthy competition between the houses, which I have seen in other events during the year, will no doubt be very much on display again. I always love to see how the pupils derive so much pleasure, not simply by participating themselves, but by encouraging and supporting their teammates and good friends.

I wish you and your families a very relaxing and happy half-term break, and I look forward to seeing everyone again for the final exciting weeks of the school year.

Mr Andrew Edwards
Headmaster TPS

Categories: Blog Preparatory