Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Celebrating Achievement in the Wider Community

Posted: 23rd May 2019


I came across a quote this week: ‘Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all’ – Aristotle. My first thoughts about this centred on my own beliefs and how much the Nursery and the Pre-Prep here reflects this.

We are so lucky to be celebrating the children’s achievements in the wider community this week. My congratulations go to our Poets who entered the Somerset Literacy Network Poetry Competition. Our children enjoyed amazing recognition for their poetry submissions. A huge well done to all our entrants. Highly Commended: Jacob Linden; Commended: Jessica Miller; Shortlisted: Forest White, Aurelia Catton, Finty Gallimore, Elizabeth Mews, Sonny Mansfield, Quinn Stott.

On the sports field, our very talented Year two children entered the National Schools Biathle Championships in Leweston. What a successful day they had, with the girl’s team coming second and the boy’s teams stealing both first and third place. Thank you to all the sports staff and parents who supported the children for this event.

Enjoy a lovely bank holiday weekend and a good half term week.

Louise Leah

Categories: Blog Nursery Pre-Prep