Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Thone Have Fun in the Sun

Posted: 23rd May 2019

The Thone boarders enjoyed a weekend of work and play in preparation for exam week. A healthy mix of revision and fun in the sun! Those children not involved in fixtures were found playing ball games on the playground or in the Pre Prep area ‘reliving their youth’ on the cycles and equipment on offer!

Saturday culminated in a rousing rendition of happy birthday and huge chocolate cake to celebrate a significant milestone for Mr Wells! The children couldn’t believe how old he was!!! The cake was cut and devoured outside in the Ward Room and the children then played happily once again outside until it was time to come in and prepare for Saturday evening entertainment and tuck.

Sunday started with basic breakfast in the house and a spot of quiet time or revision before the treat of brunch in the main dining room. Once refuelled we then departed to walk to French Weir Park with books, blankets and balls on board, for a sunny afternoon of play and reading depending on your preference. An impromptu game of football was embarked upon with other football players at the park. Rocco was a popular addition to our band of boarders and he too embraced the wide open space and chance to run free and make friends. A real family feel to the day and even a spot of rain couldn’t dampen our spirits.

On return to school we enjoyed the Sunday roast and yet more time outside for casual cricket or den building with blankets on Greenham. A tired but happy bunch made their way inside for shoe shining and showers before settling down in the house for the night fully prepared and ready for the week ahead.

Pippa Whitehouse
Thone Matron


Categories: Blog Preparatory