Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Year 8’s Sparkling Performances of Annie

Posted: 13th June 2019


It has been another terrific week in the life of the school as we look forward now to the final two weeks of the academic year.

We have 66 Year 8 pupils, and to see nearly all of them on stage in our refurbished Centenary Hall for their sparkling performances of Annie was a real treat. The standard of acting, singing and dancing was tremendous, as well as the teamwork. They pulled together and supported each other, all fully engaged in making the show the best that it could be. Many congratulations to all of our Year 8 pupils!

Well done also to Mr Rowse’s Year 3 class, who gave us an excellent assembly on the topic of ice cream yesterday. All of the pupils spoke with confidence and clarity and had learnt their lines perfectly. Very well done!

On Monday, Mr James Shone spoke to the whole school in assembly and delivered a very personal and powerful testimony about the brain tumour which took away most of his sight. It was a wonderful message about how to cope with challenging times, and all of the Form Tutors have spoken with their tutees in order to remind them that there are plenty of adults in the school with whom they can speak should they ever wish to do so. This includes our professional counsellors in the Health Centre who are available to all Prep School pupils. The letter to parents which went out yesterday about Parents’ Day gives more detail about James Shone’s story.

In sport, it has been another enjoyable week with our very strong team of swimmers attending the Prep Schools’ National Championships held in the Olympic pool in London. Just to qualify for these championships, a pupil has to obtain a very fast time, and for us to have 22 pupils attending puts us amongst the top 20 swimming schools in the country. As well as strength in depth, we have some amazing Year 7 girl swimmers, four of whom made up our relay team which came home with two national silver medals. A special mention must go to Chloe Mills-Bown who became National Champion by a massive margin of 2 seconds in the 50m Breaststroke. Very well done to all of our swimmers who competed so well.

Finally for this week, and looking ahead to next term, I am delighted to say that we are able to add cookery to the range of options for pupils on the Saturday morning Enrichment programme. Cookery will be open to pupils in Years 3 and 4, and further details will come out in the Enrichment sign up letters which will be sent to parents during the holidays.

I hope that you all have a restful and enjoyable weekend.

Mr Andrew Edwards
Headmaster TPS


Categories: Blog Preparatory