Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

So Many Wonderful Events

Posted: 20th June 2019



It is just as well that this week has contained the longest day of the year because, with so many wonderful events taking place, we have needed the extra time!

Our Year 8 pupils have been enjoying a particularly engaging and inspiring final term in TPS. Back in May, they were fortunate enough to see ‘As You Like It’ in the RSC in Stratford which was followed by the serious business of revising for their exams just before half term. They then produced two tremendous performances of ‘Annie’, during which their hard work and team work impressed us all. There has been time for teachers to return the exam papers and important feedback has been taken on board by the children. They returned from their action-packed residential trip to Outposts on Tuesday and then had the opportunity of developing their outdoor skills and teamwork. Three days on a STEM project at the end of this week (in the Senior School Science laboratories), has been a very stimulating experience. I wish them all a very happy final few days in the Prep School before moving on to Year 9.

Year 5 enjoyed a visit to the RNLI on Tuesday where they learnt about the amazing work the volunteers do at Burnham. They got to try on the watertight sea suits the team had to wear and were challenged to put them on in under 2 minutes! They got to see the new larger rescue boat as well as the small in shore lifeboat and watched an informative video about keeping yourself safe both in and around the sea. The afternoon was topped off with an ice-cream and a play on the beach before returning to school with sand between their toes and smiles on their faces.

Year 4 had a fun filled morning making Marvellous Mayan Masks on Wednesday to round-off their cross-curricular topic of, ‘The Mighty Mayans’. The children produced some very imaginative designs, with some more authentic than others! It was clear to see that the children were really enjoying their learning through Art. All masks will be on display in the Junior Corridor, so do pop by and take a look!

Elsewhere in the school, many children have this week been involved in Vanguard drama examinations. Having listened to many a budding thespian practise their pieces on the playground over the week, I have no doubt that all will have acquitted themselves admirably! We also have a very large number of pupils taking their music exams and I have been hugely impressed with all of their hard work and preparation. The best of luck to all!

The children and the staff are all looking forward to welcoming you into school tomorrow for our Parents’ Day. The school is looking wonderful, and it will be such an amazing opportunity to celebrate with your child all that they have been learning and experiencing at TPS over the year. In order for you to have a truly special day with your children, we have even ordered the sun to shine for the whole day. Fingers crossed…!

Mr Andrew Edwards
Headmaster TPS


Categories: Blog Preparatory