Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Goodnight From Thone

Posted: 27th June 2019



Ten months in the blink of an eye! Life in Thone moves at an astonishing rate and our boarders are truly remarkable people. Each and every child approaches life away from home with maturity beyond their years and their enthusiasm for life is both astounding and exhausting in equal measure! My family and I have loved our first year in Thone. There is certainly never a dull moment but we wouldn’t have it any other way! Watching our first set of Year 8’s moving on brings mixed emotions, but knowing they are well and truly ready to fly makes us all immensely proud. Even from afar they will always be a part of our boarding family and Thone’s doors will always remain open. Good luck and happy holidays everyone.

Katherine Wells
Head of Boarding


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