Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

IB students beat world-average on results day

Posted: 5th July 2019

This year Taunton School is celebrating its 300th student completing the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme with a quarter of students achieving scores equivalent to four A grades or better at A Level.

Top achievers Costanza Azzini and Tadhg Hearn both scored an impressive 42 points out of a maximum of 45.

Several students were hot on their heels with high scores of 41 and 40, including Madeleine McInerney (40).

Taunton School’s results continue to beat the world average of 30 points.

Top achiever Tadhg Hearn from Bagborough near Taunton, joined Taunton School on a scholarship in the sixth form from Kingsmead School. He scored 42 points including 7 in Biology and Chemistry Higher Level. Tadhg easily met his entry requirements for Medicine and Surgery at Newcastle. Tadhg said “I really didn’t expect to get such good results today. After every exam I felt unsure, so to get 42 points is a nice surprise. I’ll be reading medicine with the aim to be a consultant in the future. Every teacher has been absolutely brilliant, and I’m really glad I chose to study the IB at Taunton School. I will be celebrating next week when I go on holiday to Amsterdam with my girlfriend but tonight I’ll be working!”

Madeleine McInerney, from Wiveliscombe near Taunton, joined Taunton Preparatory School in Year 7. She was awarded an academic scholarship and scored an outstanding 40 points in her IB Diploma. Madeleine has been offered a place to read English at St. Peter’s College, Oxford. Maddy said “I’m so happy with my results. Studying the IB was challenging but I’m really glad I did it. I’ve been very well supported at school, especially with my Oxford application. I had a practice interview with Mr Glaser [Headmaster] which was great!” Madeleine will be celebrating by going on holiday to Portugal next week.

The IB Diploma has been established for over 50 years with Taunton School being one of the first in the south-west to set up their IB programme in 2007. IB Co-ordinator Mr Adrian Roberts, says: “I’m absolutely delighted that in our 11 year run, during which time more than 300 students have achieved their IB Diploma, our excellent results continue and that once again collectively our students have excelled themselves.”

The IB Diploma Programme continues to grow in popularity and Taunton School is proud to be an IB World School. Top UK universities increasingly recognise the breadth of knowledge and skills students gain on this demanding programme. The IBDP is also proving to be increasingly valuable as graduates enter employment, where their wide range of experiences makes them highly sought-after candidates.

Taunton School Headmaster, Mr Lee Glaser said: “This IB cohort has been great company over the last two years and added so much to our vibrant school community. They thoroughly deserve their success and leave us with their heads held high. We look forward to hearing how well they do on their next step in life. Taunton School is proud of its international and UK students alike and we cross our fingers for more good academic results later this summer.”

Find out more about the studying the IB at Taunton School.

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