Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Continued success on Results Day for Taunton School

Posted: 14th August 2019




Taunton School bucks the national trend: top A Level results grow (37% A*-A) as an impressive 67% of sixth form students achieve A*-B grades or equivalent across our three courses combined – a considerable achievement for a non-selective school.

85% of our Upper Sixth leavers have secured their first choice of UK University.  Higher education always has an international dimension at Taunton School with a number of students continuing their studies in seven different countries across the globe.

At A-Level, 13 students achieved AAA or better, with a further 25 achieving ABB or higher.  Of the 30 subjects offered, there were particularly strong performances in Art, English, Maths, Modern Foreign Languages and History.

BTEC Sport and Exercise Science Extended Diploma results for 2019 are the best yet.  50% of students achieved the maximum grade of triple starred distinction and the lowest result was Distinction-Merit-Merit (DMM).  Deputy Head Academic, Damian Henderson said: “These are great results for our sixteen BTEC students. Their time at school was very intense on account of the continuous assessment they had over their two year course. Clearly, they relished the BTEC format and came out with some tremendous results which attest to their unstinting hard work and dedication.”

At A level, among the top achievers were Ben Harris and Alex Kitchen who, as well as being close friends, also achieved exactly the same results with 3 A* and 1A in Maths, Further Maths Physics, and Chemistry.  They have both chosen to study Maths at University but will have to part ways come September as Ben travels to Warwick University and Alex to Imperial College London.

Annabelle Workman has been a pupil since Year 5 in the Prep School and is thrilled to be going to her first choice of University, Durham, to study Environmental Geoscience.  Annabelle achieved her required results of AAB in Classical Civilization, Geography and Biology but admits that she had to work extremely hard to get these.  “When I was in Prep School I was in the bottom set for many of my subjects and realised that only by working really hard and by having a clear plan of action would I get into the University of my dreams” she adds “I would say to anyone who is currently at school to think big and know that if you really want something you can achieve it by believing in yourself”.

Henry Rong came to Taunton School on a Sixth Form scholarship from Uffculme School in Devon.  His 2A* and 2A grades in Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Design Technology will see him study Engineering at Sheffield University.  He said “When I left  school following my GCSEs, I was the only one in my group of friends to come to Taunton.  Whilst it was a hard decision at the time, it was the best choice I could have made.  I am really happy with my results and am grateful to the school and to all of my teachers for helping me achieve what I have today”.

One of the top achievers in the BTEC course was Charlotte Vickery.  Charlotte has been at Taunton School since Nursery and was thrilled with her Triple D* in BTEC Sport and Exercise Science Extended Diploma.  She said “I am really thrilled with my results and am so proud to be able to take my place at Exeter University to study Sport Science next month.  I have been at Taunton School since nursery so it is going to be very strange moving on to the next chapter in my life, but one that I am really looking forward to”.  Charlotte is a keen sportswoman who has regularly represented Taunton School in her favourite sports of Hockey and Cricket.  Following University she hopes to be able to pursue a career in physiotherapy, combining all of her studies and practical love of sport.

Headmaster Lee Glaser said: “2019 has been a really positive year.  We offer a breadth of academic courses to our sixth form students with A-levels, BTEC and IB.  It is crucial that our young people are given the opportunity to study in an environment that suits them and their learning style. We have a fantastic Careers department which is on hand to guide students not just on results days, but throughout the year. Exams do not always go according to plan, but we are confident that Taunton School students, wherever they may end up in the world, will profit from the academic and pastoral excellence they have at school, and go on to enjoy happy and exciting futures”


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