Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Fun filled evening at Flipout

Posted: 10th September 2019

On Tuesday 10th September, all students from Foxcombe set off for a fun filled evening to Flip Out, a trampoline park in nearby Wellington. Alongside them were all the house staff, Mr and Mrs Hallworth, Mrs White and Miss Higgins.


On arrival everyone collected their vibrant green Flip Out socks, watched a safety video and headed to the trampolines for two hours of fun. Within the park there was a variety of different challenges the students could take on including a ninja obstacle course, a basketball zone and battle-beam stations. Both staff and students got stuck in and competed in the numerous activities.


The students thoroughly enjoyed flipping and bouncing around all the different zones. The person who seemed to enjoy it the most however, was Mr Bull, or House Master, who returned to campus more exhausted than anyone! To round off the day, staff and students had pizza before heading back to campus. The evening was enjoyed by all and it was a great way for the students to get involved and bond with their fellow boarders.

Categories: Blog International