Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

House Singing

Posted: 22nd October 2019

On Tuesday 22nd October, after a day and a half of intense practice, Foxcombe students headed to the Sports Hall for the annual House Singing competition. Although one or two students had participated last year, this was largely a brand new experience for them. They filed in nervously and took their seats ready to see what it was all about. Foxcombe house was 10th in the line-up, so although the tension was building, it was great for the students to see other houses perform and get a feel for the passion and enthusiasm that was involved.


As the acts worked their way through, the students inched around the hall until Foxcombe were right at the front and it was their time to shine. They had prepared a fantastic warm up act, the song “River” by Umi, was sung beautifully by Jess, with Leo accompanying soulfully on guitar. Unsurprisingly the crowd loved it and the pair were met with screams and cheers from the audience.


Then it was time for the whole house to come together and show the school what they were made of. The stage was full and the students belted out a fantastic rendition of “Don’t stop me now” by Queen. Spirits were high, with some great dance moves, comedy wigs and even a Freddie Mercury moustache making an appearance! With only a few hours practice it was a huge success, and although we didn’t win, Foxcombe received a well-deserved honourable mention from the judges!


Categories: Blog International