Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Sunny trip to Saunton Sands

Posted: 24th October 2019

Teenage Boy in Sea Holding a Surf Board

The Grange students arrived en masse to Saunton Sands on Sunday 23rd of October, and I am pleased to report that the sun arrived as well! Students took to the waves with their surf boards, with expert guidance from the surf coaches, learning how to kneel and stand correctly whilst in the water. The surfers had great fun and some students even managed to ride a wave!


On the beach there were plenty of ice creams and cakes being enjoyed. The sand dunes became a playground with students running up and down, jumping and rolling down with great big smiles. We also played a game of good old traditional English beach cricket which went down very well.


Lastly there was a hotly contested game of capture the flag with the boys taking on the girls. This provided some healthy competition and a huge amount of entertainment for both the staff and students.


Back at The Grange campus our students were introduced to the ultimate English delicacy, fish and chips, which went down an absolute treat. A perfect end to the day.


Categories: Blog International