Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Mandarin Monday Club

Posted: 28th October 2019

group of young children learning mandarin

Every Monday, five students from TSI: Marcus, Quizel, Luna, Shane and Vanessa, accompanied by our House Mistress, Miss Small, go over to Taunton Prep School to teach the younger students Mandarin. The following extract is written by the students themselves, aided by Miss Small:


“Every Monday after school we go to the pre-prep school to teach the little children Mandarin. We always start each lesson by recapping what we have done the previous week. It is amazing because some of them remember so much! We played ‘duck, duck, goose’ and ‘rock, paper, scissors’ in Mandarin and we have also taught them the song ‘head, shoulders, knees and toes’. We love seeing the children every week and it is great to see how much they enjoy our lessons”.

Categories: Blog International