Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

World Outdoor Classroom Day

Posted: 7th November 2019


On the 5th November students at The Grange participated in the Global campaign “World Outdoor Classroom day”. Mrs Youngs’ English groups had prepared scripts based on Macbeth and acted them out in the park, using the beautiful trees natural surroundings for their backdrop. Mrs Shearman delivered her Geography lesson beside the Oak tree, with students creating 3D models of coastal structures using sand and other materials they could find around them. They were then able to bring their work to life by adding water to model the movement of the sea and its effect on these coastal structures.

During PHSE Mrs Lamb embraced the topics of mental and physical wellbeing by taking her classes for a stroll in the park before creating the five key food groups using materials from the natural environment.

The maths students were discovering loci and construction out on the all-weather pitch and Mrs House led a practical demonstration, using tape measures and string to create a human compass, generating circles and arcs in their efforts to attack problem solving activities.

The day was a big success with students showing their excitement throughout the day and engaging with learning in a fresh environment.

Categories: Blog International