Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

TPS Successes

Posted: 8th November 2019

I hope that you all enjoyed a great half term break and are looking forward to the exciting and busy second half of the Autumn term. Before half term, I had the pleasure of joining a big audience for the Year 4 play ‘Pirates vs Mermaids’.

The quality of acting, singing and dancing was extremely high and it was amazing to think what the pupils had achieved after just four days of rehearsing. They even managed to squeeze in all of their Maths lessons and sports sessions! It is so valuable for all of our boys and girls to develop the skills and confidence required to perform on stage, and they were led superbly well by Mrs Hornsby, Mr Baker, Miss Hartland-Mann, and the Year 4 staff. Many other staff contributed to the show, and a big thank you to them and to all of the parents who helped the boys and girls with their fabulous costumes and make-up.

Remaining on the subject of performance, it was tremendous to see every TPS pupil on stage as the whole of our Prep School came together for a fun-packed House Singing competition just before the holiday. Well done to all of the boys and girls for performing so well. The sense of teamwork and fun shone brightly, giving us all so much to smile about.
Then, during half term, nearly 30 pupils enjoyed the Choir Trip to Malta. It was motivating, challenging and hugely enjoyable for all of the pupils and I thoroughly enjoyed the super concert which they gave us in the Chapel last Monday. Many congratulations to Mrs Hornsby and her team of staff, and to all of the boys and girls for performing so well and for being such good ambassadors for our school.

Alongside the successes of our boys and girls in the co-curricular areas, it is their progress in the classroom which must lie at the heart of their school experience. It was therefore extremely pleasing for me to see so many impressive grades being awarded just before half term in the first set of assessments for Attitude to Learning.
Today, our pupils have taken part in our Prep School Remembrance Service, demonstrating a mature understanding of wars and conflicts around the world. The fact that we have a large core of pupils and staff from military backgrounds adds power and depth to Remembrance Day, and these members of our community are always helping us to strengthen the sense of service and values which are at the heart of our school.

I hope to see you as many of you as possible at tonight’s Fireworks Party and please do all have a safe and enjoyable Guy Fawkes weekend!

Mr Andrew Edwards,

Categories: Blog Preparatory