Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

A busy start to the year for Careers

Posted: 15th November 2019

It’s been a busy start to the school year in the Careers Department.

With a new room and new team we quickly got the posters on the wall and started signposting students to our new location. By week three we hosted our first event – the University Student Networking Event which went down a storm with returning OTs from Imperial College London, Bath Spa, UCL, Cardiff University and UWE answering questions from our sixth form. With our OT’s degree subjects ranging from Education, Economics, Ancient History and Law through to Robotics there was plenty to be discussed and learned.

In Year 13 UCAS got underway with the first cohort of students sending their Oxbridge applications and many other upper sixth starting to tackle their university and apprenticeship applications. With university offers starting to trickle in for the early applicants, and the school’s internal deadline of the end of November for all UCAS applications, hopefully that trickle will turn into a flood over the next few weeks.

We launched the Unifrog platform, the only place where students can compare every university course and apprenticeship in the UK, with Year 12 at the beginning of October successfully. Unifrog will aid the Lower Sixth to make informed choices over the next two years. Meanwhile the Careers Department Enrichment sessions, including the Year 10 ‘Identity: Managing Online Profiles’ and the Academic Scholars talk ‘How to become a Lawyer’ has helped students from Year 9 upwards to start making educated choices and decisions.

We have hosted a number of exciting events over the past few weeks, and soon we have an amazing opportunity for our sixth form to sign up to a limited seat presentation by PricewaterHouseCoopers (PwC) on 28th November in their Thursday afternoon Enrichment sessions.

All in all a very busy term with plenty more to come!

Alice MacNair, Head of Careers

Categories: Blog Senior Sixth Form