Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

The latest from the Prep School Headmaster

Posted: 26th November 2019

I was once again struck this week by how many pupils were nominated by their teachers for a ‘Learner of the Week’ certificate in assembly, alongside the other pupils receiving certificates in sport, performing arts and citizenship.

I also always enjoy very much seeing pupils at break-time who bring me their Rolls of Honour, awarded to them by their teachers for outstanding effort in their academic work. Over the last two weeks, I have seen over 25 boys and girls in the playground at break-time, all of whom have been proud to show me their work and who have gone away happy with a prize chosen from my box. It is lovely for me to see at first hand the excellent standards being achieved in the classroom and to give the pupils the recognition which they deserve.

Last Friday, we had a very enjoyable Children in Need day and thank you to all of the Year 8 Loveday pupils and staff who organised the activities so well.

Nearly £1000 was raised which was a tremendous achievement.

On Friday it was a joint Senior and Prep charity day in aid of Love Musgrove, organised in TPS by Roberts House. Well done to the Year 8 leaders who were responsible for break and lunchtime activities, including a silver coin trail where Houses compete for the most coins in their trail. I have been delighted to see that all of the pupils entered into the spirit of the day in aid of this important charity.

Last Monday, it was a privilege to join a packed audience in the chapel for our Autumn term concert. I have had many comments from parents saying what a delightful concert it was, and it was inspiring to see so many pupils involved in the musical life of our school and developing their skills and confidence as performers. The dedication and skill of the staff, led by Mrs Hornsby, and the support of parents combine to give our pupils such wonderful opportunities to excel in this important area of school life. Very well done to all who took part in this super event!
In sport, our Year 8 girl swimmers had the tremendous thrill of becoming National Champions in the Medley Relay, as well as swimming really well in the final of the Freestyle Relay. Our boys’ team also swam tremendously well and would have made the final but for a technical disqualification. Many congratulations to all of our fantastic swimmers, who put so much work into their training, and to their teachers, coaches and parents.


Still on the subject of sport, our girls made the IAPS National Finals for hockey in all three age groups – Years 6, 7 and 8. All three squads conducted themselves beautifully and gave their all on the pitch, as well has having great fun on their night away together! Then yesterday, the Year 8 girls played superbly to win the in2hockey county tournament beating All Hallows, Queen’s and Millfield. It is wonderful to know that all our hockey teams are up there with the very best in the country. Very well done to all of our girls and their coaches.


Mr Andrew Edwards,
TPS Headmaster

Categories: Blog News Preparatory