Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Support for Amnesty International’s Write for Rights Campaign

Posted: 16th December 2019

On Tuesday the 3rd of December, Amnesty welcomed Patricia Jefferson and some of her colleagues from the Taunton Amnesty group.

They brought along cards for us to write to those in extremely difficult situations and we wrote to them explaining our gratitude and how we are standing in solidarity with them. This is part of Amnesty International’s Write for Rights campaign, which they run every year over November and December to encourage people to right message of support to help those who have suffered injustice. We wrote to people such as Magai Matiop Ngong, who is a teenager facing execution. He was fifteen when he was convicted of murder and he had no lawyer to help him until after his trial.

It was an opportunity for the fifty plus members of the school Amnesty group to recognise how lucky we are to celebrate the Christmas period in the comfort of our own homes whereas others in the world are tackling awful situations fueled by prejudice and unfair circumstances.

The cards will go directly to those in need and will hopefully lift their spirits and show them that there are people thinking about them.

Mabel Pyne

Categories: Blog Senior Sixth Form