Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Taunton School Reunion in Paris

Posted: 5th February 2020

On Friday, Adrian Hallworth, Principal of the International Schools, met up with Old Tauntonians as well as parents of current students in Paris to catch up and share memories of their time at Taunton School.

Every individual’s experience of Taunton School is unique and it was wonderful to have a broad age range of the attendees. OT Edward Bryant studied at Taunton School from 1952-57, boarding at Wills West. He joined Price Waterhouse after graduating from Cambridge, worked there for 42 years, most recently as a Director in HR in the Paris office, until 2002 where he now lives. OT Andrew Richardson studied at Taunton School from 2006-11 and boarded at Wills East and went on to read Marine Biology at Aberdeen and now lives in Paris. They were joined by Mr and Mrs Bourquin and Mr Nabatchain parents of current students who are both studying for their GCSEs at Taunton School International and boarding at Foxcombe House.

Relationships with students old and new are key to keeping the Tauntonian community thriving and at Taunton School we are striving to continually create opportunities for people to engage and learn from each other, not only through reunions such as this one, but also supporting students with a global professional and social network, offering careers support and mentoring opportunities.

We would like to say a big thank you to the Old Tauntonians and parents who came along to the event in Paris and we hope to see you again soon!

Categories: Blog International