Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Life as Head Boy and Head Girl

Posted: 28th February 2020

Huang Murphy

Typically, a weekly meeting with the headmaster means only one thing: you’ve done something wrong! However, our early weekly meetings with the headmaster and deputy heads of school allows us to feedback and discuss any concerns, events and to also just have a good catch up (depending if Mr Glaser makes it there on time!). Most may find that one meeting a day is enough, but luckily for the four of us, we also meet with the heads of houses, Mrs Coomber and Mr Burnett. It is actually not so bad, probably due to the weekly stream of biscuits, courtesy of Mr Burnett, which are very, very appreciated.

Within the school, we proudly support a whole host of charities, with the pinnacle of the schools fundraising being in the form of RAG Week (Raising And Giving). This week, brilliantly organised by our fellow Deputy Heads of School, usually consists of a number of events which both of us were fully involved in. Highlights of the week were ‘I’m a Prefect Get Me Out Of Here’, where Dom was defeated by a vicious chilli that left him rather red faced. Being (politely) dragged into the custard gunging event meant one thing for the both of us: one eager sponsor had the perfect opportunity to pour cold custard anywhere we didn’t want it. RAG week was topped off with the prefect auction, leaving for the two of us crazily dressed and servants to our ‘owners’ needs. The week was a complete success and the money raised will be going towards very worthy causes.

For both of us, the best aspect of our role is that we have the opportunity to make a change within the school. To be able to communicate directly with senior members of staff is great as we can be the voice of any current student concerns or problems. We both also deal with a level of unpredictability within the role, from being asked to speak publicly last minute to taking tours and just lending a helping hand around school. This unpredictability has only improved our experience and has enabled us to better appreciate this role we both have.

Being the Heads of School is certainly a privilege for the both of us and we are more than grateful for the opportunities that the role provides.

Dominic Murphy and Sharon Huang, Head Boy and Head Girl

Categories: Blog Senior Sixth Form