Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

TPS Headmaster Spring Term round up

Posted: 30th March 2020


During the last weeks of the Spring Term, we have once again cemented our place at the top table of Prep School sport on a national level. In hockey, our Year 8 boys established themselves as one of the two best Prep School teams in the country.

Having got to the last 16 schools, we enjoyed an amazing day at the National Finals, scoring the most goals, finishing up with the best goal difference, and earning very well-deserved silver medals after the tightest of final games. Not to be outdone, our Year 8 netball A team showed excellent composure, confidence and maturity the following day to defeat a top Millfield team in a match of the highest quality.

Many congratulations to all of the boys and girls, and their coaches, for the terrific development and progress during the course of this season.

In performing arts, I was very grateful for the wonders of modern technology which allowed me to watch online the fantastic performance by Year 6 of ‘The Mystery at Magpie Manor’. The quality of acting, singing and dancing from the individual pupils was extremely high and it was hard to believe that I was watching children who were still only 10 or 11 years old! It was
also hard to believe that they achieved what they did in the space of just one week.

Very well done to all of the staff, parents and pupils who contributed to a wonderful production.

It has also been a real pleasure to hear a constant stream of very positive reports about TPS pupils excelling on stage in the Taunton Festival of the Arts. Our dramatists were the last group of performers to compete and I was delighted to hear Mr Kirby and Miss Day say that all of our children were fantastic ambassadors for our school, both in terms of the quality of their performances and their conduct in and around the Methodist church. I had a very memorable day last Saturday, watching a superb rendition of ‘Matilda’ performed in the Senior School Theatre by our Saturday Morning Enrichment pupils, followed by a rare opportunity to play my cello as part of the orchestra which accompanied our Community Choir in a moving performance of Rutter’s Magnificat.

I was so pleased that eleven Prep School pupils had the opportunity to rehearse and perform in the choir, whilst it was brilliant to see two of our TPS advanced instrumentalists playing with the Senior School Orchestra.

Academically, pupils have received their end of term grades for Attainment and for Attitude to Learning, and I am very impressed with the level of grades awarded. Our children have worked and played extremely hard during the Spring Term and are now ready for a very well deserved rest.

I sincerely hope that you will be able to enjoy good health and plenty of happy times with your families over the Easter holidays.


Mr Andrew Edwards,
TPS Headmaster

Categories: Blog Preparatory