Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Welcome back

Posted: 18th September 2020

House cricket

I’ve attended Chapel, watched hockey fixtures, taught lessons, felt the passion of house matches, been on duty in the new dining room, visited a boarding house and delivered an assembly.

The students are smiling and delighted to be with their friends. It’s great to be back with my colleagues and to feel their passion for the school. We set out to provide an experience as close to the Taunton School norm but with a clear focus on ensuring the safety of our community. The protocols are working and are being continually adjusted, there are inevitably restrictions, but the resounding feeling is one of a determination to make this work.

The school has strong numbers and I have no doubt that this is due to the hard work over the years which has enhanced our reputation. We cannot sit back, however, and think “job done”. As I have said many times, complacency is the enemy and now is the time to build on recent successes. I love the fact that my colleagues across the school will not accept low standards and are always looking to improve. They continue to work tirelessly to ensure our students have a fabulous experience.

So, in short, we are back and always looking to do better.

Keep safe.

Lee Glaser, Headmaster

Categories: Blog Nursery Pre-Prep Preparatory Senior Sixth Form