Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Teamwork and Resilience

Posted: 2nd October 2020

TPS lessons

A good word to describe how everyone has adapted during the last few weeks and months is ‘resilient’.

We have made a small but significant change to our TPS Mission over the summer, making the word ‘Resilient’ one of our twelve words in the wheel. We are constantly nurturing this attribute in all of our pupils and in our start of term assembly, I focused on the story of Abraham Lincoln, who became arguably the greatest American president of all time despite suffering many setbacks and disappointments along the way. It is so important that our pupils are not afraid to tackle goals which look challenging and that they understand that it is the disappointments and setbacks which give us opportunities to learn how to do things even better and to step up to the next level. They will of course receive our full help and support as they continue on their exciting and challenging educational and personal journeys.

Our new chaplain, Reverend Getman (or ‘Rev’ as she likes to be known by the school community) referred to President Lincoln in her fascinating chapel for the Prep School this morning, linking the escape of the Jews from their slavery in Egypt with the issue of slavery and racism in modern times. It was good to see the whole school captivated as they watched on video the famous “I have a dream” speech by Dr Martin Luther King Jnr.

It was also good to have a Prep School assembly last Monday on the subject of charity, led by Mr Pettit, our Charities Co-ordinator. The Head of Fundraising from Musgrove Park Hospital came to thank our pupils for all of the fundraising they have been doing over the last year or two and to explain how the money raised has been spent. Approximately £13,000 has been raised by our pupils recently, which has gone towards providing much-needed equipment in the maternity unit and the new MRI scanner. Very well done to everyone who has contributed to this fundraising.

The Saturday Morning Enrichment programme for Years 3 to 6 has got off to a very good start. If your child is attending and has a friend who does not attend TPS, but who would like to come along on Saturday mornings, he or she will be very welcome. The charge for non-TPS children is £100 per term and parents just need to contact Mr Rowse on tpssaturdayenrichment@tauntonschool.co.uk

Finally, I would like to once again thank all parents, pupils and staff for their tremendous efforts in making our school work as best we can in the current circumstances. We can all be very proud of the teamwork which is helping us, as a whole school community, to continue to provide all of our pupils with the education, opportunities and care which we all want for them.

I hope that you enjoy a very good weekend.

Andrew Edwards, TPS Headmaster

Categories: Blog Pre-Prep Preparatory