Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Young musicians win opportunity to perform with professional orchestra

Posted: 21st October 2020

winners anthony knight & hetty christopher with guest judges

Two Taunton School students have been awarded the opportunity to play with a professional orchestra after being recognised for their outstanding talent at a Concerto Competition.

young musicians at private school

Violinist Anthony Knight and trumpeter Hetty Christopher, both in Year 10, performed their concertos in the annual Concerto Competition in the beautiful chapel at Taunton School, alongside nine fellow musicians. In line with current guidance, the event was performed to a small audience in the chapel and streamed live to viewers watching from home. The young musicians performed music including two trombone concerti, Beethoven’s second piano concerto, clarinet and saxophone concerti and three trumpet concertos; a real feast showcasing the variety and depth of musical talent that the school nurtures each year.

Making the difficult decision on the final two winners was special guest adjudicator, Pete Harrison, Guest Conductor of the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra and a regular conductor with the Royal Philharmonic and BBC National Orchestra of Wales.

Pete Harrison said, “It was a pleasure to be asked to judge this event at Taunton School. I was hugely impressed by the very high standard of performances throughout the evening and the choosing the winners was certainly not an easy task.”

Taunton School’s Director of Music, Mark Cracknell said: “We are in the fortunate position of having a large number of talented music scholars in the school, from all parts of the country. Our Concerto Competition gives our young musicians the opportunity to showcase their skill, having worked technically, intellectually and musically throughout the term. Each and every performer played to the best of their ability and all left feeling it was a positive experience, inspired to continue working to achieve even higher standards.”

Winners Anthony and Hetty with have the opportunity to perform alongside a professional orchestra at a choral concert to be hosted at the school next year.

Categories: News Senior Sixth Form