Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Feeling grateful

Posted: 6th November 2020

Remembrance poppies

I hope that you all enjoyed a great half term break and are looking forward to the exciting and busy second half of term leading up to Christmas.

The National Lockdown mark 2 has caused me to feel hugely grateful again that we are able to continue to give our children the first class education and care which they deserve and which we all want for them.

Before half term, the Performing Arts Department had to think creatively and imaginatively as to how the Year 4 children could enjoy their Theatre Production Week this year. Instead of a staged musical, we decided to make “Wiz Wham Alakazam” into a movie, using locations around our beautiful school. Year 4 parents and pupils have been sent a link to the whole movie and if any other parents or pupils would like to view it, it will be premiering on Facebook from 5pm tomorrow afternoon. Very well done to Mrs Hornsby and her team, Mr Coomber and his team (for the filming) and to all of the pupils for a fantastic achievement.

Remaining on the subject of performance, thank you very much and well done to all of the pupils who have produced such good assemblies this term. They have all made superb contributions on stage in Centenary Hall this term.

Alongside the successes of our boys and girls in the co-curricular areas, it is their progress in the classroom which always lies at the heart of their school experience. It was therefore extremely pleasing for me to see so many impressive grades being awarded just before half term in the first set of assessments for Attitude to Learning. Every Monday, in assembly, we call up to the stage and applaud up to around ten ‘Learners of the Week’, all of whom are listed in the Courier.

Today, we took part in our Prep School Remembrance Service, helping our pupils to develop a mature understanding of wars and conflicts around the world. The fact that we have a large core of pupils and staff from military backgrounds adds power and depth to Remembrance Day, and these members of our community are always helping us to strengthen the sense of service and values which are at the heart of our school.

Andrew Edwards, TPS Headmaster

Categories: Preparatory