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Marcus Trescothick to continue working at Taunton School alongside England role

Posted: 11th March 2021

marcus trescothick working at an independent school in the uk

The former England and Somerset cricketer has just been appointed as the new Elite Batting Coach for the England team.

teacher in a physical education class lifting a weight

Trescothick began his role as Development Cricket Coach at Taunton School in 2015 and works with students across the Prep and Senior Schools.

Lee Glaser, Headmaster of Taunton School, says: “Marcus is a cricketing legend and a fantastic role model and I am pleased, and proud, that he will continue in his role at Taunton School.”

Hayley Mortimer, Director of Sport at Taunton School, says: “It is testament to Marcus that he has a desire to continue to work at Taunton School after his appointment with England Cricket. I know the impact he has made alongside Mr Sanderson with our cricketers, but also wider with the sports environment at the school. I am pleased, that this can continue and we have such experience and quality within our coaching staff.”

We’ve been chatting to Marcus about his new appointment and what he enjoys most about coaching at Taunton School.

What are you most looking forward to about your new role with England?

 I’m really looking forward to working and improving the best young players in the country. I am hoping I can give them the help they need to progress and perform at the top.

What do you think will be the most challenging aspect of it?

 I will be challenged in many different areas but I think not being involved with Somerset will be a test for me. Having been there for nearly 30 years it will be strange not to be around the club.

We are really pleased that you will be remaining as part of the coaching team at Taunton School, why is this role important to you?

I really like working at school, it has given me a great grounding in which I have learnt to coach in different areas. As with all coaching to see players learn, improve and succeed is a real joy, and over my time while working at school I’ve seen many different children grow. That is like scoring a hundred to me now.

What do you enjoy most about working with our students? 

Working with the students is great, some are funny, some are cheeky but all are respectful. When you teach someone a new skill and they have success the look on their face is all you need to see.  What pleases me the most is when you see the boys and girls playing within the same team and the respect they show each other.

 How does your approach differ between coaching at elite level and school level and in what ways is it the same?

For me working at Elite level is easier than teaching or coaching at school. I have been working with elite players for many a year so the language I use to communicate is very much built around that. When I started working at school I had to work really hard at changing the approach and communication style to make things simpler. That really helped me grow and improve because I had to learn something new. I have been fortunate to work closely with our Director of Cricket Pete Sanderson for many years and I could ask questions and learn from watching him because he has many years of experience I could tap into. The school is lucky to have someone like Pete with such a vast array of knowledge. What doesn’t change is my approach to how a team and players should conduct themselves, especially in the senior school. Play hard, play fair, be respectful and have fun.

Categories: News Preparatory Senior Sixth Form