Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Taunton School boarders bond at start of new school year

Posted: 20th September 2021

Students around the climbing frame holding each other up

Boarders at Taunton School have taken part in a number of activities to help them settle in to life as part of the Taunton School community.

The first few days of term are spent getting to know new housemates, adapting to new routines, meeting new teachers and trying out new sports and activities. To round off their first week, the boarders enjoyed a fun-packed weekend with a disco on Saturday evening followed by house outings on Sunday, finishing off with an evening BBQ.

Find out what our individual boarding houses got up to below:

Weirfield Bond at Brean

Weirfield once again travelled to Brean Theme Park for their start of term outing, after all it is something of a Weirfield tradition! Our annual outing could not take place last year due to COVID restrictions and so the girls were even more excited than usual to return. The girls spent time working in small groups led by their ‘Big Sisters’ or buddies, undertaking a series of competitive challenges designed to help them get to know one another better, develop their problem-solving skills and resilience. Of course, there was plenty of time to enjoy the rides too with Wipeout, Terror Castle and the dodgems being particular favourites. Even Skip the dog got in on the action!

Wills East Surf Trip

On Sunday 12th September the Wills East boys headed down the M5 to the iconic Bigbury On-Sea. With Burgh Island as a back drop the boys donned the wetsuits and headed into the water for an hour and a half surfing lesson. Under the careful eye of the instructors, new and experienced surfers emerged on top of the water and discovered the thrill of ‘the ultimate ride’! With half the boys surfing at a time, the others entertained themselves with touch rugby, paddling or simply relaxing on the beach. The day out gave the boys a chance to bond away from school and after the past year it was nice to see them running and playing on the beach. On return from Bigbury the BBQ was lit, the burgers cooked and the day complete. A fine weekend for the Wills East chaps.

Fairwater Teambuilding  

Sunday the house headed off to Black Rock adventure park for some raft building and high ropes. The first 3 families on the raft building had successful voyages with nothing but a foot getting wet! This couldn’t be said for our high ropes families, who had a good morning in the trees to start with, then all managed to fall of or their rafts broke in the afternoon, laughs for all and lots of wet lads! The successful rafters then had a go at high ropes in the afternoon, highlights include Sepi saying his last good byes before falling off the high platform, and also Burridge, Bill, Julian and Steve made the platform challenge look easy!! (see photo that was sent)! When we got back to school Mr Tarr and Mr Brodie got started on the BBQ whilst Mr Foweraker and Valentine lead the egg toss and egg toss golf challenges, let’s just say our boys are not that good at trowing and catching, some very eggy boys! The feast was prepared and the boy’s dug in, great to have a full complement of house staff there as well, all in all a brilliant end to the first week and as usual Fairwater has a great group of boys! Roll on the year!

Woodyer Girls Escape Room

The girls in Woodyer worked together to help each other escape from a police van in an Escape Room challenge. The students had to work together to break codes and work as a team to ensure they made it out of the challenge as a group!

Jenkin Enjoy House Breakfast

We enjoyed a Jenkin breakfast in tutor time which was a lovely way to welcome the new students to the house and the Year 13 prefects to get to know the younger year groups. It was great to see the girls socialising in the house after a year of restrictions and a great time was had by all.

Wills West Paintballing

Wills West celebrated the new term by running around in the woodlands near Exeter shooting at each other! As ever, this was a hugely enjoyable experience and fantastic way to bring everyone together at the beginning of the school year. 

Foxcombe House Teambuilding and BBQ 

Following a surf trip for our Pre-Sessional students, Taunton School International boarders took part in a series of teambuilding exercises to get to know each other during the start of the school year, with a BBQ following the games to re-energise! The students also spent a fun-packed weekend tackling high ropes, zip wires and wall-climbing during their annual weekend residential trip, where friendships were made for life!

Thone Boarders Take on Inflatable Obstacle Course

Our Prep School Boarding Family had a fantastic first weekend of the school year. Lots of fun in the sun was had with plenty of time to build friendships, both new and old. The giant inflatable assault course was a highlight for many with even the Headmaster, Mr Edwards, getting in on the action!

TSIMS Spend a Day at the Beach

The sun shone down on our Taunton School International Middle School students during their trip to the stunning British coastline. In September, Taunton School International Middle School boarders hopped on a bus and drove down to Saunton Sands Beach in Devon, where they sat and enjoyed a picnic lunch, before putting on their swimming costumes and going for a swim. Some students even gave surfing a go! For those not brave enough to venture into the waves, there were ball games on the sand. Some students took a walk through the beautiful hills, and enjoyed running down the sand dunes. There was a little café, which nearly sold out of ice-cream after our students had been there!

Find out more about boarding life at Taunton School here.

Categories: News Senior Sixth Form