Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Taunton Biologists explore Exmoor on field day

Posted: 22nd September 2021

Taunton biology field trip

On Monday the 20th September, Biology students from Taunton School’s Upper Sixth embarked on an enriching field trip to Exmoor.

Our first visit was to Dunkery Beacon.  We discussed conflicts of interest between contemporary lifestyles and environmental health. This reflection offered an unnerving outlook, as I had not fully comprehended our endless detrimental impact on our environment; it revealed the extent of damage applied to our world through even the simplest acts. It was certainly eye opening for us all.

After set out in groups with a frame quadrat to compare different species on managed moorland. This was interesting because it made me observe each individual species in more depth, with analysis in mind. We were all aware that this area had a high species richness and evenness, and each organism was essential for genetic and species biodiversity. Next, we moved to an area that was unmanaged, and we sought to compare. It was enlightening to discover that National Trust management was helping to maintain our country’s biodiversity.

As an aspiring Marine Biologist, I was particularly excited to be studying the rocky shore at Porlock, replete with glorious diversity, including rock pools bursting with individual species.

Using a line transect and our quadrats in this very different setting was great fun and highly informative. I found every part of this study and our discussions thought-provoking as it really brought the creatures, the abiotic factors and all my conceptual biology vividly to life.

This learning adventure truly reinforced our biology knowledge and taught us the benefits of seeing our world through an analytical biological lens. Our Upper Sixth cohort saw organisms in their natural habitat and are better qualified to apply a critical eye for damaging activities.

The trip was extremely important to us; it was enriching, academically insightful and relaxing. It reintroduced us to the outside world and the physical side of Biology, a subject of study that connects us all. Whether it was grass or a bird, each species appeared to be thriving in the wild beauty of their habitats. This was an experience I will carry with me into my future.

Written by Upper Sixth student Bonnie K.

Categories: News Senior Sixth Form