Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Student historians bring the subject to life at Lisk Society evening

Posted: 19th October 2021

Lisk society evening

After a year’s absence due to Covid, the Lisk History Society returned last week with over eighty students attending an evening in the Theatre based on the 20th anniversary of 9/11 and the 200th of Napoleon’s death.

Mr Gallimore spoke expertly and poignantly on 9/11, its causes and longer term significance, drawing upon his own experiences in the army and tours of Iraq and Afghanistan to provide thought-provoking perspectives which did not spare the politicians or their advisors. His wide ranging, illustrated talk examined the complexities and misunderstandings of western foreign policy as well as shedding fascinating light on the psychological motivations of Bin Laden. The narrative was supplemented by some imaginative film re-enactments provided by the new Lisk Committee.

This energetic and enterprising Committee for 2021-22 comprises Sir Woody (Lisk knight), Kara (herald), Floriana (resident haggis), Harrison (court jester) and George (Henry VIII.) Attired in their costumes and assuming the roles of the Duke of Wellington, Marshal Ney, General Blucher, King Louis XVIII and Abba, following Mr Gallimore’s exposition they performed a new playlet, ‘Whatever happened to Napoleon?’ also starring Miss Brayley as the Little Corporal and Oom Samie, an impressively stoic Captain Maitland.  A somewhat less serious take on history, it encapsulated neatly the Lisk Society’s motto:

Don’t just learn it: live it!

Categories: News Senior Sixth Form