Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Year 11 Drama students perform scripted assessments

Posted: 19th October 2021

Drama students performing

This half term Year 11 Drama GCSE students performed their assessed scripted performances. The evening opened with John Godber’s multi role comedy “ Bouncers” performed by Fabian F, Rafe S, Ethan S and Jack B. The play is set in a nightclub in the 90s and sees each of the four actors perform several roles including the women and men who are getting ready to come to the club for a night out and the bouncers themselves. This was a fast paced performance with lots of physical comedy! A great start to the night.

Next students Poppy C, Rosie I, Mollie W, Mark H, Scarlett K and Kai C performed two scenes from Godber’s school based comedy “Teechers” in which the actors take on the roles of several teachers and pupils at the fictional school “Whitehall High”. This was another very pacey performance which relies heavily on quick role changes and comedy timing, the laughter in the audience was a good indication that the students managed to achieve their aim.

Lastly, a change of tone for Fliss G, Felicity H, Jasmine C, Faye V, Nola F and Daisy K as they performed Evan Placey’s hard- hitting teenage drama “ Girls like That” which examines aspects of toxic female culture and explores the relationships that women form with one another from a young age. A mature and emotional performance by Year 11 and a thought provoking ending to a fantastic evening back in the theatre with our first post-covid audience of staff and students who gave excellent support to the actors on stage.

Learn more about the Creative Arts at Taunton School here. 

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