Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Taunton Prep School launch Outdoor Award

Posted: 20th October 2021

Prep School Outdoor Award

Students at Taunton Prep School can now work towards achieving an ‘Outdoor Squirrel, Otter and Eagle Award’ at the school.

Students will complete challenges that are all linked to the TPS mission wheel to be completed across two years of school. The challenges include creative tasks, design tasks, research tasks and generally just getting out and about exploring the world around us across the seasons.

Some examples of the students’ activities include:

In Years 3 and 4, the children are focussing on exploring the natural world through their Squirrel Award. Year 3 got off to a great start baking bread on an open fire on their Carymoor trip and designing a menu from foraged ingredients, two tasks ticked off already!

In Years 5 and 6 the emphasis is on navigating the natural world safely with, for example, First Aid courses planned for later this year and sessions on orienteering in games lessons.

Years 7 and 8 are building independence in the natural world through their Eagle Award building to the Year 8 Outdoor Award in the summer term before the step up to year 9. Here students will enjoy challenges such as the Duke of Edinburgh Award, 10 Tors and various events organised through the Combined Cadet Force.

Categories: News Pre-Prep Preparatory