Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

TSI students take part in Inter-House Debating

Posted: 21st December 2021

5 Taunton School students ready to take part in debating

The inter-house debating competition held in the Autumn Term was a great success for TSI students, who represented Foxcombe house in 4 categories.

Gala took part in the interpretive reading, in which competitors choose an extract from a book of their choice to read for about 5 minutes. She choose an extract from her favourite book, Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen. Despite being younger than the majority of the Sixth Form competitors, she did a fantastic job, reading extremely well with enthusiasm and eloquence.

Kalani gave a persuasive speech on the restrictions of Transgender people in sport and how they should be eased. In persuasive speaking, competitors choose a topic to discuss that is either a problem with potential solutions, or a cause they believe needs to be taken seriously. He tackled this topic with confidence and composure, giving a very impressive speech that look at a range of arguments and solutions.

Gabriella spoke in the impromptu category, where competitors are given a choice of 3 unseen topics to speak for 3 minutes on, with no notes and one minute of preparation. She spoke on Apple vs Android, discussing the merits and problems with each, in an entertaining and engaging speech.

Finally, Beatrice and Louise represented Foxcombe in the main debate. Their motion was ‘This house believes modern science is out of control’ and they were opposing. They held their own very well against a Sixth Form team, discussing the need for faster advances to deal with modern problems such as climate change and the ever-evolving pandemic situation. They gave strong arguments and rebuttal, ultimately winning the floor vote.


Categories: International News Senior