Taunton School Main Building at Dusk

Taunton School celebrates Mental Health Awareness Week

Posted: 12th May 2022

Students across Taunton School have been taking part in a number of initiatives to commemorate Mental Health Awareness Week, which is from 9-15 May 2022.
As part of the initiatives, Year 12 students have been learning how to support each other and spot the signs of loneliness, particularly amongst the younger students at the school. A dedicated slot in the school day has been established to give the students a chance to spend time with younger year groups in their Houses to allow them to develop closer relationships.

mental health awareness week at taunton school

The Mental Health Society wanted to lay the ground work by challenging the student body to consider ‘can you make yourself happy?’ To support this they arranged for Paul McKenna to talk to Year 12 in PSHEE on the topic of Positivity. Paul, a well known hynoptist, TV star and author of books on the subject of changing mindsets, gave a captivating talk and Q and A.

Students at The Grange also commemorated the week by celebrating National Donut Week, which is a nationwide event that raises money for The Children’s Trust.

They raised some ‘dough’ for the charity through a donut and hot chocolate sale at break time.

They also took this as an opportunity to sit down with their friends, have a chat and check in with each other. Some of the money they raised will also be donated to Mind, a charity that supports people with mental health issues.

national donut week at taunton international middle school

Read more about Taunton School’s Pastoral and Wellbeing provision here.

Categories: International News Preparatory Senior Sixth Form