Taunton School Main Building at Dusk


Collaboration, Leadership, Reflection and Perseverance!

18th November 2016

As I write, I’m on the train to London to get the latest updates for our impending educational quality and compliance inspection. We have no idea when this might be!…

It is not a race, but a journey…

11th November 2016

A busy week as always and it was pleasing to have a very full attendance at parents evenings. One of the joys of being a teacher is to see the…

What a week!

4th November 2016

What a fab holiday week! We decided to split the groups as the Nursery need to remain in their activity classes and Pre-Prep welcomed Year 3 and 4 to join…

Firework Fun

3rd November 2016

This week in Nursery 3 the children have been creating firework pictures and making their very own sparklers. They have also been making the noises that fireworks make and talking about…

Georgia McGovern plays Volleyball for England

2nd November 2016

TS pupil Georgia McGovern represented England at Volleyball during half term. The young athlete, who is in Year 10, played for England in the U17 NEVZA (Northern European Volleyball Zonal…

Nursery 4 visit Fyne Court

20th October 2016

 Friday October 7th saw all of Pre-Prep and Nursery 4 out and about at Fyne Court. Nursery made sticky crowns with seeds and Autumn leaves, and played ‘We’re Going on…

Paralympian Katrina Hart inspires the next generation of athletes

16th October 2016

 Paralympian Katrina Hart inspired pupils at Taunton Preparatory School when she led a circuit fitness session last week. The pupils were excited to meet Katrina, a multi-medal winning 100m and…

New computer suite wows students at Taunton School

4th October 2016

 You’d be forgiven for thinking that you had walked onto the set of the latest sci-fi movie when you enter Taunton School’s new computer suite. The former benches and computers…

BBC Coast presenter comes to Taunton School

11th September 2016

Taunton School is delighted to be welcoming BBC presenter Nicholas Crane from the BAFTA-winning TV series Coast later this month. Nicholas, who is best known as the lead presenter of…

Taunton School’s Courageous Pupils Are Now Channel Swimmers!

9th September 2016

Pupils and staff from Taunton School are thrilled that their team of seven 13-year-olds swam 22 miles across the English Channel in an amazing 15 hours yesterday. Emma Hounslow, Emily…
