Taunton School Main Building at Dusk


Support Bras

1st December 2016

Members of Taunton School were pleasantly surprised when they emerged from the main building on Wednesday. They came face to face with an assortment of dazzling, donated bras. Now you…

Curtain Call with Martin Parr

29th November 2016

It was amazing that Martin Parr came to Taunton School on Wednesday 23rd November 2016 to talk about his long career in Photography, especially considering his latest assignment was CNN…

The Monasteries are Closed

29th November 2016

Year 8 have been looking at the reasons why Henry VIII decided to dissolve (close) the monasteries and religious houses, and the huge impact this had on life in England. These…

A Feast of Music

25th November 2016

This year’s Michaelmas Concert promised to be a feast of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s music with a helping of Tim Rice’s lyrics, and a veritable banquet of musical treats it certainly…

How do I grow a ‘Leader’?

25th November 2016

An article in the Telegraph caught my eye this week when it suggested that there was a leadership crisis facing schools in the next five years unless steps are taken…

Recharging the batteries

25th November 2016

NEWS FROM THE PREP SCHOOL BOARDING HOUSE Our overseas boarders had a fun time in Thone over the course of the Reading Weekend. With a trip to Hollywood Bowl, MacDonald’s,…

Fundraising for Refugees

24th November 2016

Last week our year 7s organised a massive jumble sale to raise funds for RAFT (Refugee Aid From Taunton). It was very enthusiastically supported by the pupils and parents and…

Just Dance

20th November 2016

  ‘Just Dance’ saw TPPS, TPS and TS showcase their talents in an evening of dance. The audience were dazzled and wowed by the dancers performing a variety of styles…

Going Spotty for Children In Need

18th November 2016

The children in the Nursery, Pre-Prep and Years 3 and 4, joined together this morning for a BIG, SPOTTY Wake Up Shake Up for Children in Need! Head over to…

Shining Stars

18th November 2016

Every-so-often there are a set of events or circumstances that come together which, upon reflection, can engender an enormous sense of pride. Last weekend was just such a period of…
