Taunton School Main Building at Dusk


TS Conservationists Tackle Nature

29th November 2016

A large group of keen volunteers (Adam Pettitt, Briano Brachetti Peretti, Rhianna Beck, Hannah Ashby, Callum Hudson, Echo Duan, Kate Soldatenko, Katerin Sergeeva, Mostafa Torkashvand and Fernando Serrano Espinosa) spent…

Students successful at County Cricket Selection

29th November 2016

Fifteen TS pupils have been selected for District and County Cricket winter training squads after going through a demanding selection process at trials. Selected for the County were Oscar Samuel, Isaac…

Making Waves

25th November 2016

Thirteen pupils from Taunton School travelled to the London Aquatics Centre last weekend to represent the South West at the English Schools’ Swimming Association National Relay competition. The Senior Girls…

A Feast of Music

25th November 2016

This year’s Michaelmas Concert promised to be a feast of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s music with a helping of Tim Rice’s lyrics, and a veritable banquet of musical treats it certainly…

Just Dance

20th November 2016

  ‘Just Dance’ saw TPPS, TPS and TS showcase their talents in an evening of dance. The audience were dazzled and wowed by the dancers performing a variety of styles…

The extended essay/project experience

18th November 2016

As I am writing this, our U6th IB students are putting the finishing touches to their extended essays – the culmination of a six-month process of planning, research and writing…

Education is Connected

17th November 2016

Education does not happen just in the classroom. Education begins in the classroom and spills over into every other part of our lives.  A key part of the teacher’s role…

Year 9 Digital Day

16th November 2016

Year 9 pupils took part in the innovative Digital Day programme on Tuesday as part of an ICT initiative. The day saw students working on various projects for their favourite…

What makes us happy?

15th November 2016

On Saturday, at the Academic Scholars’ meeting, Mrs Coomber gave a fascinating talk on happiness. To begin, the students were asked what makes us happy, and answers ranged from food,…

TPS Choir Joins Forces with Blake

14th November 2016

The singing opportunity of a lifetime came to fruition on Sunday as the Taunton School Prep Choir, as well as six Year 9 students, performed on stage at the Brewhouse Theatre with…
